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kemarin ketika saya ingin meredirect url lama domain saya ke url yang baru dengan httaccess (saya bahas di postinga ini )saya mendapatkan error sebagai berikut di error.log

[Tue Nov 24 20:02:46.211610 2020] [core:alert] [pid 9932] [client] /home/aldy/public_html/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Tue Nov 24 20:02:46.434198 2020] [core:alert] [pid 9928] [client] /home/aldy/public_html/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here, referer:

kondisi nya modul rewrite apache sudah aktif sehingga seharus nya redirect nya berfungsi. ternyata masalah nya ada pada syntax FollowSymLinks di .htaccess nya, FollowSymLinks sudah tidak di perboleh kan lagi di .


In the latest version of cwp we don’t allow any more to use “Options FollowSymLinks” in the .htaccess files as this is a security issue.

Why Options FollowSymLinks is not secure?
This is a big security issue when you have multiple accounts or domains on the same server, an attacker can hack one domain and from there create symbolic links to all other configuration files of the other users/domains.

For example configuration like (wp-config.php, configuration.php) files where database info is stored and then with that data hack all other users/domains on the server.

What is the solution if you need symlinks?
You can use instead “Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch” this will provide more security.

If you don’t have many users/domains on your server and you need to disable this restriction, you can do that by editing apache vhost for that domain.

Example .htaccess line

Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

In the latest version of cwp we don’t allow any more to use “Options FollowSymLinks” in the .htaccess files as this is a security issue.

Why Options FollowSymLinks is not secure?
This is a big security issue when you have multiple accounts or domains on the same server, an attacker can hack one domain and from there create symbolic links to all other configuration files of the other users/domains.

For example configuration like (wp-config.php, configuration.php) files where database info is stored and then with that data hack all other users/domains on the server.

What is the solution if you need symlinks?
You can use instead “Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch” this will provide more security.

If you don’t have many users/domains on your server and you need to disable this restriction, you can do that by editing apache vhost for that domain.

Example .htaccess line

Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

maka solusi nya dengan mangganti FollowSymLinks menjadi


lekukan perintah berikut , sesuaikan lokasi folder public_html nya:

root@hosting:~# find /home/aldy/public_html/ -name “.htaccess” -type f -exec sed -i ‘s/FollowSymLinks/SymLinksIfOwnerMatch/g’ {} “;”

kemudian tes , semoga bermanfaat 🙂

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  1. Pingback: Redirect website dari domain lama ke domain baru (301 redirect) | Blog Catatan Harian

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Mengatasi error “Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here ” redirect web di .htaccess