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Bismillah ..

jika kita pernah mencoba memonitoring perangkat switch hp dengan protokol SNMP   dan mendapat pesan error no respon , misal di kasus saya saya menggunakan nagios pesan error nya seperti ini ,

[03-09-2017 14:31:04] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Memory Usage;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-email;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:31:04] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Memory Usage;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-telegram;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:30:44] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Usage;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-email;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:30:44] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Usage;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-telegram;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:28:24] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Temp;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-email;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:28:24] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Temp;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-telegram;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:28:24] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Uptime;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-email;External command error: Timeout: No Response from
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:28:24] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Uptime;UNKNOWN;notify-service-by-telegram;External command error: Timeout: No Response from

Mungkin coba bisa di cek di switch nya , di kasus saya SNMP dari switch hp 1910-8g nya belum di aktifkan , nah untuk mengaktifkan nya bisa    ke menu DEVICE —> SNMP

enable kemudian pilih  versi SNMP yang anda gunakan , klik apply .. kemudia setting comunity nya kemudian jangan lupa save configurasi nya, agar tidak hilang ketika switch nya ngrestart

berikut perubahan log di nagios saya ,..

[03-09-2017 14:38:28] SERVICE ALERT: Switch-Manageable-adduha;CPU Temp;OK;HARD;3;SNMP OK - Temperature is 55 °C
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:35:58] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Memory Usage;OK;notify-service-by-email;SNMP OK - Memory Usage is 38 %
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:35:58] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Memory Usage;OK;notify-service-by-telegram;SNMP OK - Memory Usage is 38 %
Service Ok[03-09-2017 14:35:58] SERVICE ALERT: Switch-Manageable-BIT;Memory Usage;OK;HARD;3;SNMP OK - Memory Usage is 38 %
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:35:38] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Usage;OK;notify-service-by-email;SNMP OK - CPU usage is 2 %
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:35:38] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Usage;OK;notify-service-by-telegram;SNMP OK - CPU usage is 2 %
Service Ok[03-09-2017 14:35:38] SERVICE ALERT: Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Usage;OK;HARD;3;SNMP OK - CPU usage is 2 %
Service Critical[03-09-2017 14:35:08] SERVICE ALERT: sim;Total Processes;CRITICAL;HARD;4;PROCS CRITICAL: 201 processes
Service Warning[03-09-2017 14:33:28] SERVICE ALERT: Switch-Manageable-adduha;CPU Temp;WARNING;HARD;3;SNMP WARNING - Temperature is *56* °C
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:33:18] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Temp;OK;notify-service-by-email;SNMP OK - Temperature is 0 °C
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:33:18] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Temp;OK;notify-service-by-telegram;SNMP OK - Temperature is 0 °C
Service Ok[03-09-2017 14:33:18] SERVICE ALERT: Switch-Manageable-BIT;CPU Temp;OK;HARD;3;SNMP OK - Temperature is 0 °C
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:33:18] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Uptime;OK;notify-service-by-email;SNMP OK - Timeticks: (1830060) 5:05:00.60
Service Notification[03-09-2017 14:33:18] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;Switch-Manageable-BIT;Uptime;OK;notify-service-by-telegram;SNMP OK - Timeticks: (1830060) 5:05:00.60
Service Ok[03-09-2017 14:33:18] SERVICE ALERT: Switch-Manageable-BIT;Uptime;OK;HARD;3;SNMP OK - Timeticks: (1830060) 5:05:00.60
Service Ok[03-09-2017 14:32:58] SERVICE ALERT: mail.alshifacharity;Total Processes;OK;SOFT;2;PROCS OK: 227 processes


semoga bermanfaat 🙂



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Aktifasi SNMP di switch HP 1620-8G