Bismillah ..
berikut log error ketika backup container di proxmox ke nfs storage
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 109 --mode snapshot --node cloud1 --storage synology-nfs --remove 0 --compress zstd
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 109 (lxc)
INFO: Backup started at 2022-08-06 08:09:02
INFO: status = running
INFO: CT Name: ha-proxy-222.10
INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup
INFO: excluding bind mount point mp0 ('/tmp') from backup (not a volume)
INFO: backup mode: snapshot
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: create storage snapshot 'vzdump'
Logical volume "snap_vm-109-disk-0_vzdump" created.
INFO: creating vzdump archive '/mnt/pve/synology-nfs/dump/vzdump-lxc-109-2022_08_06-08_09_02.tar.zst'
INFO: tar: /mnt/pve/synology-nfs/dump/vzdump-lxc-109-2022_08_06-08_09_02.tmp: Cannot open: Permission denied
INFO: tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
INFO: cleanup temporary 'vzdump' snapshot
Logical volume "snap_vm-109-disk-0_vzdump" successfully removed
ERROR: Backup of VM 109 failed - command 'set -o pipefail && lxc-usernsexec -m u:0:100000:65536 -m g:0:100000:65536 -- tar cpf - --totals --one-file-system -p --sparse --numeric-owner --acls --xattrs '--xattrs-include=user.*' '--xattrs-include=security.capability' '--warning=no-file-ignored' '--warning=no-xattr-write' --one-file-system '--warning=no-file-ignored' '--directory=/mnt/pve/synology-nfs/dump/vzdump-lxc-109-2022_08_06-08_09_02.tmp' ./etc/vzdump/pct.conf ./etc/vzdump/pct.fw '--directory=/mnt/vzsnap0' --no-anchored '--exclude=lost+found' --anchored '--exclude=./tmp/?*' '--exclude=./var/tmp/?*' '--exclude=./var/run/?*.pid' ./ | zstd --rsyncable '--threads=1' >/mnt/pve/synology-nfs/dump/vzdump-lxc-109-2022_08_06-08_09_02.tar.dat' failed: exit code 2
INFO: Failed at 2022-08-06 08:09:03
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors
Problem di atas di karenakan lxc mebutuhkan folder yang bisa di tulis secara langsung oleh container (uid : 100000) maka solusi nya adalah
- Pastikan folder nfs nya writeable untuk uid 100000 (uid root di container proxmox)
- Ada yang menyaran kan bisa chmod ke 777 folder nfs nya agar writeable oleh uid: 100000
- Edit file /etc/vzdump.conf dan ganti tmp dir default nya ke directory yang writeable semua uid , ada yang menyaran kan pindah tmdir nya ke /tmp yang dia di set 777 secara default
folder nfs di set 777
root@cloud1:~# ls -l /mnt/pve/synology-nfs/
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6758 Aug 6 08:13 dump
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Apr 19 2021 '#recycle'
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Apr 20 2021 template
Edit vzdump.conf dan set tmp dir ke /tmp

kemudian test lagi backup ke nfs nya
Task viewer: VM/CT 109 - BackupOutputStatusStopINFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 109 --compress zstd --node cloud1 --mode snapshot --remove 0 --storage synology-nfs
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 109 (lxc)
INFO: Backup started at 2022-08-06 08:12:52
INFO: status = running
INFO: CT Name: ha-proxy-222.10
INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup
INFO: excluding bind mount point mp0 ('/tmp') from backup (not a volume)
INFO: backup mode: snapshot
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: create storage snapshot 'vzdump'
Logical volume "snap_vm-109-disk-0_vzdump" created.
INFO: creating vzdump archive '/mnt/pve/synology-nfs/dump/vzdump-lxc-109-2022_08_06-08_12_52.tar.zst'
INFO: Total bytes written: 1017866240 (971MiB, 86MiB/s)
INFO: archive file size: 288MB
INFO: cleanup temporary 'vzdump' snapshot
Logical volume "snap_vm-109-disk-0_vzdump" successfully removed
INFO: Finished Backup of VM 109 (00:00:13)
INFO: Backup finished at 2022-08-06 08:13:05
INFO: Backup job finished successfully
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